Saturday, February 21, 2009

Valentines Day Isnt Just for Lovers

Happy Valentines Day everyone, those who are married, divorced, single any one! This is a day just to show love to those in your life that you love and it is great that Rick and I celebrated our 6th one together today. We didnt do anything over the top, we went and spent time with his Nana and family and then went to my parents for a bit. I made a simple dinner and we played some games, shared some drinks... and now I am watching a movie before I hit the hay. We didnt go all out and buy gifts this year because we are paying for things for the wedding which is rapidly approaching and we just bought 2 new phones through Tmobile so I would rather spend our money wisely, especially right now.

Exactly... in 6 years and 1 hour... will be the date my Memere passed away. It is so hard because I miss her and going through all this wedding stuff makes me miss her that much more. Each day gets easier but with all this sort of 'right of passage' being planned she is greatly missed.
This is my last week working my current schedule and then starting the 22nd I am working 5 days a week instead of 4. I'm not thrilled but it could be worse. Maybe my new group of people I work with will like me. I hope so, I think I am a nice girl, you know? Oh well.

My chest is starting to feel better, still burns though which is irritating but I will survive. The antibiotics are making my stomach in knots pretty much 24/7 until I am finished with them. Ah.
Alright well I need to finish the movie.. relax a bit and get stuff ready for the morning.

Love to all, especially to you Memere. Miss you more than you know.

Original Post date 2/14/09

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