Sunday, January 23, 2005

Mud and Suds baby!

So, its been three whole months since I have updated this thing, unreal how fast time goes by now a days! Sometimes it seems as if Im constantly trying to catch up with everything that is going on because Im still a week behind, if that makes any sense.

My birthday was this past Friday, Im 20 now :) Rock on. But let me tell you, getting to Friday was almost the hardest thing ever. I dont know why turning 20 was a hard day for me but it was. I dont know, its weird thinking that Im getting that much closer to being a nurse, that much closer to graduation, that much closer to being an adult and on my own. Its scary.... and Im not sure if I completely like it. Rick brought me to Portland for the day and we went to the mall and ended up going out to lunch at TGIFridays. MMM :) Then we came back to Augusta and met up with Amy, Oppy, Danielle, and Kirstan... and then we went to MUD AND SUDS :) Brad Paisley, Sara Evans, and Andy Griggs. It was amazing, even though Amy elbowed me twice *love you still!* and I was told by an old man behind me to settle down. Asshole. It was a great night though, I saw Heidi from work and it was amazing. Plus, Sara Evans waved to me, and my whole section knew it was my birthday! It was great!! Then Kirstan came home with me and Rick had 4 bouquets of flowers for me with these diamond and blue topaz chandeler earrings. They are gorgeous! :) It was a great bday to say the least.

So lets see what else is going on. Rick and I are still doing wonderful, and I cant wait to finally marry him. Our friends Ben and Ashley are getting married in May and Im so excited for them but seeing them get married is getting me anxious. But I mean, I still want to wait until we are out of school with decent jobs so we can afford the whole wedding. Hes a wonderful guy and we are going strong.

Thats all for now, Rick, Jen and Josh want to play Halo... so I might as well do it right? Nothing to do around here... we have a blizzard warning so Im not going to be leaving here today! Maybe I'll do some homework later... because I have a lot to do!! School. Ugh.

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